Saturday - October 19, 2013
Word of the Day:
"Each day we must strive for constant and never ending improvement." ~ Anthony Robbins, motivational speaker
Best Trail Mix Ever |
I have been giving serious thought to the food I will be bringing along with me for this thru hike. Last year we just about got it right, and I will be taking most of the food that we packaged up for last years hike and is now keeping in the freezer.(It is kind of nice to know that if there is a disaster in the near future, we have enough food to keep us for over 5 months)!
That being said, as a solo hiker, there are a couple of changes I will be employing. This time I won't have to compromise, and will be able to take all the food that I like.
First up: the trail mix. This mix was very good, and I don't think I'll ever tire of it. The base was mixed nuts, chocolate covered espresso beans, and candy corn. Then each batch received a new item such as spice gum drops, chocolate covered pretzels, Swedish Fish, M&M's, Jordan Almonds, and my personal favorite, chocolate mint balls.