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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Merry Christmas to All!

From our house to yours, Merry Christmas And Happy Holidays!
Lego, Poco, and Angel

Saturday, December 7, 2013

Snow Day

This post has nothing to do with the trail, but since snow days are my very favorite weather systems and I enjoy the heck out of them,(unless I have to walk 20+ miles in the stuff) I figured I would share our fun filled snow day with you.
Notice how Angel will pick up her Frisbees and put them in the middle of the yard. Sorry Beads, we are still throwing all the Frisbees! We can't help ourselves.

I was also practicing uploading videos and picture via Ipad, and find it to be pretty easy now. Every once in a while I get a happy surprise and get some fun animation going. I have no idea how I do it, it just happens.

We didn't get a lot of snow, but it was beautiful and fun while it was snowing.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Funhog goes Hog Wild

Let me introduce a great guy, Funhog, to all you prospective hikers who might enjoy a different twist when you sign your trail registers.
Funhog is a really talented guy who makes stamps for hikers and seems to have a great time doing it. He made stamps for Erin "Wired" Saver, and Mindy "Heart" Dunham who both loved their stamps. I don't have permission from either one to show their stamps, so I will direct you to their blogs to find the pictures of their stamps. For Wired: go to You'll find a picture of her stamp on just about every page. For Heart: go to Her stamp is featured on the post for Sat. March 17, 2012 entitled Heart-full Thanks. I do believe that Wired created this stamp with help from Funhog.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Not so Fantastic Gear Choices, and Definate Maybes

Thursday - Nov. 21, 2013
Word of the Day: Foolishness

Heavy, Heavy 1999 (Guffy Campground)

"Methinks that the moment my legs began to move, my thoughts began to flow." ~ Henry David Thoreau, American Author

As my legs were moving this summer, the thoughts did flow indeed! And as the days moved past, my thoughts were dwelling more and more on what gear just wasn't working. For example, as I made camp each night and broke camp each morning, first thought was "Wow, this Tyvek ground sheet sure is noisy!" Sure the Tyvek is pretty light, but if I'm disturbing all the other hikers who are trying to sleep, what good is it doing me?  This will be the first casualty, but what to replace it with? Not sure yet, I'm thinking of using ripstop nylon. Light and quiet. I would be willing to entertain ideas of ground sheets that worked for others.

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

My Favorite Gear

Wednesday - Nov. 13, 2013
Word of the Day: Comfort
"Everything you need is already inside." ~ Bill Bowerman, Co-Founder of Nike

Lego's gear all in one neat package

I thought I would do a mini review on the gear we used on the PCT this last summer. I'll highlight the major gear we loved on this post, and show the pieces of gear I'm not so enamored with on the next post.

Friday, November 8, 2013

Starting the Training

Friday - November 8, 2013
Word of the Day: Discipline

" Never underestimate the power of dreams and the influence of the human spirit". - Wilma Rudolph, American Athlete

I thought that I may as well publish a post using my iPad, as this is what I'll be using along the trail. It is a little harder to find the pictures, but I'm sure that with just a bit more practice, I'll have it down.

So, I have started the physical training most hikers find necessary in order to last the first few miles, let alone the whole trail. My neighborhood is not conducive to strenuous hikes, as it is perfectly flat. Most days I load up my pack and walk really quickly through the streets, hoping to stay out longer and longer, and for more and more miles. These pictures on this post were taken at a nice little park near my house, that is right on the Willamette River.

The Willamette River

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Bread of Life

Saturday - October 19, 2013
Word of the Day: Yummy

"Each day we must strive for constant and never ending improvement." ~ Anthony Robbins, motivational speaker

Best Trail Mix Ever
I have been giving serious thought to the food I will be bringing along with me for this thru hike. Last year we just about got it right, and I will be taking most of the food that we packaged up for last years hike and is now keeping in the freezer.(It is kind of nice to know that if there is a disaster in the near future, we have enough food to keep us for over 5 months)!

That being said, as a solo hiker, there are a couple of changes I will be employing. This time I won't have to compromise, and will be able to take all the food that I like.

First up: the trail mix. This mix was very good, and I don't think I'll ever tire of it. The base was mixed nuts, chocolate covered espresso beans, and candy corn. Then each batch received a new item such as spice gum drops, chocolate covered pretzels, Swedish Fish, M&M's, Jordan Almonds, and my personal favorite, chocolate mint balls.

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Celebrate! Oh Yeah, and a Training Hike

Sunday - August 29, 2013
Timberline Lodge, Mt. Hood
Word of the Day: Celebration

Legasorus and I celebrated our 25th wedding anniversary on Sunday. Our actual day was Aug. 23, but due to quite a bit of other stuff going on in our lives at that time, we put off our celebration until now. We drove up to Timberline Lodge at Mt. Hood for their breakfast buffet, and a late morning hike. Below is a picture of the iconic Timberline Lodge in all her glory.
"There's always the feeling of getting stronger. I think that's what keeps me going." ~ Frank Shorter - Marathon Gold Medal Winner, 1972 Olympics

Saturday, July 20, 2013

test page

Day 1 - 20.5 miles
Monday - April 14, 2014
Southern Terminus to Lake Morena
Word of the Day: Tired
"Each day when I awake I know I have one more day to make a difference in someone's life." ~James Mann

This is just a test page to get started and figuring out how my blog will look. Anyone with an opinion, let me know what doesn't work and what does. I will consider your critique.


"Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth." ~ Psalms 46:10